Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Which way to Oz?

Like many Gray citizens, I participated in the 2002 comprehensive plan update, lending my voice to what I wanted a developing Gray to look like in 2015. The consensus was fairly overwhelming that residents strongly supported preserving Gray's "rural character" and open space while promoting economic development that remained compatible with the community's character and scale. Citizens spoke, the Planning Board and Council voted to approve goals and policies that achieved citizen desires, and the state accepted our plan.

In five short years , Gray's elected officials have succeeded in dismantling just about every component of the comprehensive plan except "economic development". Oh yes they did manage to erase that caveat of "compatibility" with town character from the equation. Lets look at the "new" direction that three successive Councils have brought us:

Unrelenting subdivision construction in rural areas. Subdivision happens, but should it exceed the rate of frequency experienced by our surrounding towns? Even Windham has growth control measures to limit the number of homes constructed each year so that the schools and public services will not be overloaded.

The "new" McDonald's, otherwise known as "The Bunker". Will they be introducing a new product line called the Adolfburger? Talk about architectural compatibility with the rest of the Village Centre. Great job Planning Board and Planning Consultant!

The new Rite Aid. This looks suspiciously like the Rite Aid in Westbrook, and that is always a goal to aspire to.

Target is coming to Town, either on the autoauction land or on McConky Road. Of course we all know that this use will be a standalone facility sized only to serve the needs of Gray's 6500 residents. Look at the one in South Portland and imagine that complex at the corner of the Bypass (Sorry Sue, it will always be the bypass).

And Hanniford which is strangely enough attracting all sorts of satellite development inquiries that are compatible with the established neighborhood.

Maybe I stand alone in my dissatisfaction with Council's unilateral land use policy making. Maybe most Gray residents approve of the direction the Town is growing, and I am the one out of step.

What's your opinion?


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