Committing Seppuku
Enough already with the outrage over the term "slum and blight" used to describe downtown conditions as part of the CDBG grant!
Community Development Block Grants (CDBG) are one of the very few Federal programs available to fund local infrastructure improvements. But there's a catch- what ever program proposed by Gray must achieve at least one of the three National Objectives mandated by Congress:
1: At least 51% of the socio-economic population served by the improvements must be from low/moderate income households; or
2: The primary population served by the grant improvements must be from a Federally-recognized group that is traditionally of low/moderate income status (ie. the elderly, handicapped, children, etc.) ; or
3. The area targeted for improvements is declared to be slum and blighted by the local government.
So the Village Master Plan Committee believed that they could best meet the National Objectives requirement by asking the Council to pursue the third option. Frankly, its a rather tenuous argument. While other Maine communities have been able to show vacant storefronts, firetrap apartments, indigents living in the alleys, the best we can muster is pealing paint at the Russell school. But what the heck , affluent towns such as Kennebunk, Freeport, and Hallowell have gotten away with it.
We can too, if local citizens flushed with hometown pride did not raise such a ruckus to attract the press' attention. Or was it the other way around? Either way, be aware that the reviewers who score our grant applications in Augusta also watch Channel 8 news and read the Press Herald. Suddenly cognizant of how many Gray citizens want to tar annd feather the Council over the Slum & Blight designation, these reviewers may now question the validity and legitimacy of the town's application.
Unless you believe the existing downtown is a thing of beauty or have no interest in recouping some of your Federal taxes, please recognize that your indignation is scuttling the Village Master Plan effort.
So shut up, at least until April when the CDBG awards are announced. Aren't we all tired of committing Seppuku?
Most of Gray citizens have already paid their taxes that fund this program, as they have for years. Now it's time to correct some of the issues created by the by-pass and years of abuse by heavy traffic in our downtown. I can't think of a town in our region that needs or deserves it more.
If Augista sees through the ruse, there are other options available. Both the elderly and the handicapped are groups that meet the national objectives you mentioned. Simply reword the mission statement so that all Village Improvements are designed specifically to provide safe accommodation for the handicapped and elderly in the otherwise pedestrian hostile environment.
Much easier to justify and difficult to refute.
Tipping Point expresses the frustration that we all feel as long term victims of Maine Turnpike Authority and MDOT. But then again, we could have assaulted any of their plans under the Environmental Review portion of the EPA permits required for improvements.
The FEds have taxed us, we have paid, now we would like to get some of it back. And we should. But also be aware that for every $1 Maine sends to Washington, the state receives $1.5 in return.
Thanks Cicero for the info about an alternative strategy for meeting the National Objective. Wonder if the Village people have considered this?
Not likely, I say, because the (self proclaimed) Village people are blinded by their self destructive rage revenge targeted toward the C.E.D.C. & certain long time residing officials like Dick Cahill and this hurts the community effort as a whole
Some can not see past their noses to find solutions that wouldn’t degrade this town further.
Quite a snore to hear their 'presentation' to the council- once again - MOVE FORWARD would ya!
Resourceful thinkers are needed
Only the qualified need apply
Thank you Cicero & Pub.
(ED. Note: Appreciate the comments BUT will ya use a screen name so I /we can direct comments back at you!)
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